Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Day 7: Letter to My Ex-Crush

letter to ex-crush ex-love

Dear ex-crush,

I miss you. Sometimes! I miss you so much that I fall in the well of regret and the never ending ‘what ifs?’ I should have confessed my likings for you rather than hiding like a young naive girl hoping you would be her prince charming. But the ‘so-called’ culture pulled me back each time I tried to reach out. Well, I miss you at this very moment and the guilt pinches me hard. My life is good, but still there is an empty hollowness somewhere. I need to put the mud of oblivion in the empty space unlike the girls in Pretty Little Liars who had dumped many bodies but each time they get caught. I want to escape.

I won’t tag our relationship as ‘Just friends’. I felt you too had a crush on me but neither of us made the first move and our time together ended with saying, ‘I am happy for you. Stay happy.’ You were the only guy to write in my scrapbook. I do not have the courage to tear those two pages you had written. Destroying would mean I was destroying the happiness those pages bring. I might never harm them.

I will never be over with you. Because:

You were and never will be my weakness.
You do not make me vulnerable.
You gave me strength to believe in myself.
You made me discover my potential.
You believed in me.
And this is why I miss you.

Who met you at crossroads

Let me also celebrate this 100th post. Happy. Content. Carry On.

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